Sunday 7 October 2018


My mission is to bring cryptocurrency and the blockchain to the masses in an easily understandable bite size format.

Cryptocurrency is the future.

So if you don't understand it or you're not already using it, join me and get on board.

You may have heard the term “blockchain technology” before, in reference to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. For those of you who are new, the term might seem abstract with little real meaning on the surface. 

However, blockchain technology is a critical element of cryptocurrencies — without it, digital currencies like Bitcoin would not exist. 

30 years ago the Internet was introduced to us. It is now part of our daily lives...we all use the Internet but its not necessary to know exactly how it works and the intricate technology behind it. But for those of you who are interested here's a simple overview to introduce you to the concept so you can get on the crypto train, as I like to call it, and not get left behind. Let's start at the beginning.

A Brief History of Blockchain

To start, let’s talk about the history of the blockchain. 
Before it was ever used in cryptocurrency, it had humble beginnings as a concept in computer science particularly, in the domains of cryptography and data structures.

The very primitive form of the blockchain was the hash tree, also known as a Merkle tree. This data structure was patented by Ralph Merkle in 1979, and functioned by verifying and handling data between computer systems. In a peer-to-peer network of computers, validating data was important to make sure nothing was altered or changed during transfer. It also helped to ensure that false data was not sent. In essence, it is used to maintain and prove the integrity of data being shared.

In 1991, the Merkle tree was used to create a “secured chain of blocks” — a series of data records, each connected to the one before it. The newest record in this chain would contain the history of the entire chain. And thus, the blockchain was created.

In 2008, Satoshi Nakamato conceptualized the distributed blockchain. It would contain a secure history of data exchanges, utilize a peer-to-peer network to time stamp and verify each exchange, and could be managed autonomously without a central authority. This became the backbone of Bitcoin. And thus, the blockchain we know today was born, as well as the world of cryptocurrencies.

How Does Blockchain Work?

So, then, how does the blockchain work? Let’s recall a few key features before we get into the details:

1. Blockchain keeps a record of all data exchanges, this record is referred to as a “ledger” in the cryptocurrency world, and each data exchange is a “transaction“. Every verified transaction is added to the ledger as a “block”

2. It utilizes a distributed system to verify each transaction — a peer-to-peer network of nodes

3. Once signed and verified, the new transaction is added to the blockchain and can not be altered

To begin, we need to explore the concept of “keys”. With a set of cryptographic keys, you get a unique identity. Your keys are the Private Key and Public Key, and together they are combined to give you a digital signature. 
Your public key is how others are able to identify you. Your private key gives you the power to digitally sign and authorize different actions on behalf of this digital identity when used with your public key.

In the cryptocurrency world, this represents your wallet address(public key) and your private key is what let you authorize transfers, withdrawals, and other actions with your digital property like cryptocurrencies. As an aside, this is why it’s so important to keep your private key safe — anyone who has your private key can use it to access any of your digital assets associated with your public key and do what they want with it!

Everytime a transaction occurs, that transaction is signed by whoever is authorizing it. That transaction might be something like “Alice is sending Bob 0.4 BTC”, will include Bob’s address (public key), and will be signed by a digital signature using both Alice’s public key and private key. This gets added to the ledger of that blockchain that Alice sent Bob 0.4 BTC, and will also include a timestamp and a unique ID number. When this transaction occurs, it’s broadcasted to a peer-to-peer network of nodes — basically other digital entities that acknowledge that this transaction has occurred and adds it to the ledger.

Each transaction in that ledger will have the same data: a digital signature, a public key, a timestamp, and a unique ID. Each transaction will be connected, so if you move back one transaction in the ledger, you may see that Chuck sent Alice 0.8 BTC at some time. If you move back another transaction, you might see that Dan sent Chuck 0.2 BTC at some other time before that.

The anonymity of cryptocurrencies come from the fact that your public key is just a randomized sequence of numbers and letters — so you are not literally signing with your own name or some sort of handle. A public key doesn’t tell you the real identity of the person behind it. You are also more or less free to generate as many key pairs as you want and have multiple cryptocurrency wallets. Be warned though, there could be other ways someone can figure out your identity — for example, through your spending habits.

Why is Decentralization So Important?

For enthusiasts of blockchain, you will hear a lot about the decentralized aspect of it. What makes this so appealing is that it makes the blockchain impervious to censorship, tampering, or corruption.

Because it uses a peer-to-peer network, copies of the ledger are stored in many different locations, and unless you manage to track down every single one of them (Bitcoin is estimated to have over 35,000 nodes in its P2P network), you can’t destroy it. As well, because so many different, independent nodes are keeping track of the ledger, modifying it in an untrustworthy way won’t go very far because all the other nodes will disagree with that transaction and won’t add it to the ledger.

This is a huge part of why so many people believe blockchain technology is the future of currency, and why it is being adopted in industries other than cryptocurrency.

There’s Always a Downside

However, like any system created by humans, there are always downsides.

Blockchain technology has a pretty steep learning curve. Especially for the typical individual without a technical background, all the jargon and computer science concepts involved may intimidate and scare away otherwise would-be users. However, the rising popularity of cryptocurrency is resulting in the blockchain moving into the mainstream, with a lot more resources available to make the topic more approachable.

Transferring, trading, and buying cryptocurrencies usually involves a transaction fee, and is not usually instantaneous. The former can be costly, the latter inconvenient.

However, there are a lot of developers, users, and enthusiasts who truly believe blockchain technology is the future. 

Many want to see the technology succeed, so stay tuned and follow me, the crypto babe, and read my blogs for new developments and informative online courses.

Saturday 6 October 2018


So if you've read my first blog and studied the tutorial "Cryptocurrency for Dummies" you should the basics of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
 If so, one of the first things that you should become familiar with is the role of a cryptocurrency wallet.
Before I go any further, I want you to think about how you store your real-world cash. You don’t walk about holding it in your hands, do you? Instead you most probably store it a leather wallet or purse, or maybe even a piggy bank!
Either way, it is wise to store your money where it is safe. A cryptocurrency wallet follows the same core principles. 

How Does a Cryptocurrency Wallet Works?
Things are slightly different in the digital world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
Coins are not actually stored in a physical wallet, as cryptocurrencies do not exist in a physical form. Instead, the blockchain consists of transaction records that details which private and public key has control over the funds.
To make sure you have a full understanding, I will quickly explain the role of a wallet address, as well as a private and public key, as they are all related.

A wallet address is like a bank account number:
 There is no harm in giving somebody else your bank account number, as people will need it if they are to transfer you funds. This could be so your employer can pay you your salary, so a customer can pay your invoice or so that your friends and family can send you some birthday money!
In the world of cryptocurrency, if somebody wants to transfer you coins, you simply give them your wallet address which is a very long series of letters and numbers. 

Just like in the real-world, no two wallet addresses are ever the same, which means that there is no chance that somebody else would get your funds. Also, there is no limit to the amount of wallet addresses you can create.
If you check my post A Crypto Wallet for Everyone I will tell explain everything you need to know about cryptocurrency wallets, how they work and I give you an overview of all the types wallets available and my recommendations.
I did all the research for you, so if you check it out, you will learn everything you need to know about wallets and then you will be ready for the next step: 

Start trading with your cryptocurrency and Bitcoin!


So now you've understood the concept and importance of a crypto wallet. Let's look at the different options, and discuss their pros and cons and see which one is most suited to your needs.

I will summarize the unique features of the top cryptocurrency wallets that you must know of.

The first thing to understand is that Wallets don’t actually store your cryptocurrency. Your Bitcoin or Ethereum stays securely on the blockchain.

Your wallet is just an interface, a tool, that allows you to manage your bitcoin address and store your password and keys.

Not all cryptocurrencies can be stored in one wallet. There are some wallets that are currency specific, and some support multiple currencies.

The most important thing to remember about your wallet is that your private key is the access to your funds, as long as you have control of your private keys and keep it secret, if you have full control of your crypto assets and nobody else can access them.

That’s exactly why when you send your cryptocurrency to an exchange to trade it, they have control of your private keys, not you!

I recommend for you to have your own wallet and send to the exchange only the amount you want to trade. When you are finished you can withdraw your crypto and store it safely in your wallet.

Now you are ready to choose your wallet

Desired traits of a Cryptocurrency Wallet

What are the desired traits of a crypto wallet and how difficult is it to choose a wallet?

This seemingly easy answer, unfortunately, does not have a single satisfying answer for everyone: convenience may come at the cost of security; additional features may come at the cost of a steeper learning curve. More importantly, what are the traits that, ultimately, you value over the others?

See the list below, not in order of importance:

Cost: Is it free? What are the drawbacks of using this wallet?

Security: Does the company have a track record of security excellence?

Mobility: Is it easy to keep and difficult to lose? Is it accessible anytime, anywhere?

User-friendliness: Is the wallet designed so its easy to use and pull up data efficiently? Can I store a range of cryptocurrencies ?

Convenience: Am I able to make a fast purchase when the time calls for it?

Style: Do I have a weakness for cool tech gadgets?

You may want a wallet that offers the best combination of the above-mentioned traits. Remember, all wallets have their pros and cons.

Which Cryptocurrency wallet is the best for you?

There is an ever-growing list of options. Before picking a wallet, you should, however, consider how you intend to use it.

Do you need a wallet for everyday purchases or just buying and holding digital currency for an investment?

Do you plan to use several currencies or one single currency?

Do you require access to your digital wallet from anywhere or only from home?

Take some time to assess your requirements and then choose the most suitable wallet for you.

What are the different types of Cryptocurrency wallets?

First of all you need to know the difference between the two main types of wallets:

HOT WALLET: Is a Bitcoin wallet that is online and connected in some way to the Internet. Bitcoin-related services and exchanges that are able to pay out withdrawals instantly can be said to be paying them from a "hot wallet".

COLD WALLET: is any cryptocurrency wallet that is not connected to the internet and therefore more secure. You could hold your Bitcoin in a cold wallet and transfer it to a hot wallet only when you need to trade or send money somewhere.

There are several types of wallets that provide different ways to store and access your digital currency. Wallets can be broken down into four distinct categories – software, hardware, mobile app and paper.

Desktop: wallets are downloaded and installed on a PC or laptop. They are only accessible from the single computer in which they are downloaded. Desktop wallets offer one of the highest levels of security however if your computer is hacked or gets a virus there is the possibility that you may lose all your funds.

Software: are online wallets run on the cloud and are accessible from any computing device in any location. While they are more convenient to access, online wallets store your private keys online and are controlled by a third party which makes them more vulnerable to hacking attacks and theft.

Mobile: wallets run on an app on your phone and are useful because they can be used anywhere including retail stores. Mobile wallets are usually much smaller and simpler than desktop wallets because of the limited space available on a mobile.

Hardware: These are physical devices, that act as a vault for your digital money. They store a user’s private keys on a hardware device like a USB. Although hardware wallets make transactions online, they are stored offline which delivers increased security. Hardware wallets can be compatible with several web interfaces and can support different currencies; it just depends on which one you decide to use. In order to make a transaction you will have to plug in the device to any internet-enabled computer or device, enter your pin, send currency and confirm. Hardware wallets make it possible to easily transact while also keeping your money offline and away from danger.

Paper: wallets are easy to use and provide the highest level of security. While the term paper wallet can simply refer to a physical copy or printout of your public and private keys, it can also refer to a piece of software that is used to securely generate a pair of keys which are then printed. Using a paper wallet is relatively straightforward. Transferring Bitcoin or any other currency to your paper wallet is accomplished by the transfer of funds from your software wallet to the public address shown on your paper wallet. Alternatively, if you want to withdraw or spend currency, all you need to do is transfer funds from your paper wallet to your software wallet. This process, often referred to as ‘sweeping,’ can either be done manually by entering your private keys or by scanning the QR code on the paper wallet.

So here are my reviews of the different wallets available.

So here they are in no particular order:




Paper wallets are for those who wish to have their own private wallets without forking out cash for hardware wallets. The money saved could be invested in their coins. Simply generate your wallet online at and note your private keys. The website does not store or transmit any of your private information. If you don’t trust the online version, you can even download it from GitHub and run it offline. Paper wallets are free but require an in-depth knowledge to set it up properly. In short, this type of wallets generally take a lot of hassle and are not advised for novices.


The most secure ways to store your cryptocurrency is a hardware wallet, these are physical devices, that act as a vault for your digital money.

Popular hardware wallets include:


The coolest looking tech gadget to show off to your friends. Made by a relatively new company, KeepKey offers a hardware wallet of a polished design. In addition to bitcoin, the KeepKey wallet enables the storage and transaction of a variety of cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Dogecoin and Namecoin. This is ideal if you’re using multiple cryptocurrencies or looking to build a portfolio of digital assets. KeepKey is said to be a port of Trezor’s code and firmware, so their main difference is the material. KeepKey feels like a ‘premium’ wallet but might be a little on the heavy side and hence more susceptible to drops. It comes with a standard, simple to use set up.


Trezor is a hardware Bitcoin wallet that is ideal for storing large amounts of bitcoins. Trezor cannot be infected by malware and never exposes your private keys which make it as safe as holding traditional paper money.

Trezor is open source and transparent, with all technical decisions benefiting from wider community consultation. It’s easy to use, has an intuitive interface and is Windows, OS X and Linux friendly. One of the few downsides of the Trezor wallet is that it must be with you to send bitcoins. This, therefore, makes Trezor best for inactive savers, investors or people who want to keep large amounts of Bitcoin highly secure.

Good security & privacy, cold storage, easy to use a web interface, in-built screen, open source software, beginner friendly, you can buy it with your Bitcoin (If you already have Bitcoin of course)

Costs $76 USD, must have device with you to send bitcoins


The Ledger Wallet Nano is a new hierarchical deterministic multisig hardware wallet for bitcoin users that aims to eliminate a number of attack vectors through the use of a second security layer. This tech-heavy description does not mean much to the average consumer, though, which is why I am going to explain it in plain language, describing what makes the Ledger Wallet Nano tick. In terms of hardware, the Ledger Wallet Nano is a compact USB device based on a smart card. It is roughly the size of a small flash drive, measuring 39 x 13 x 4mm (1.53 x 0.51 x 0.16in) and weighing in at just 5.9g.

Screen/device protected by metal swivel cover, Multi-Currency support, 3rd-Party apps can run from devi U2F support, When recovering wallet from seed, the whole process can be done from the device without even connecting it to a computer! Fairly inexpensive (~$65 USD)

Not as advanced wallet software (no transaction labeling), No ability to create hidden accounts, No password manager


If you prefer to have your Crypto on-the-go the best way is to have your wallet on your mobile device. The advantage of mobile wallets is that it is only accessible from your mobile and if you lose your mobile you can cancel access to it in a click

Bread Wallet:

Bread Wallet is a simple mobile Bitcoin digital wallet that makes sending bitcoins as easy as sending an email. The wallet can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Bread Wallet offers a standalone client, so there is no server to use when sending or receiving bitcoins. That means users can access their money and are in full control of their funds at all times. Overall, Bread Wallet’s clean interface, lightweight design and commitment to continually improve security, make the application safe, fast and a pleasure to use for both beginners and experienced users alike.

Good privacy & security, beginner friendly, simple & clean, open source software, free.

No web or desktop interface, lacks features, hot wallet.


Jaxx is a multi-currency Ether, Ether Classic, Dash, DAO, Litecoin, REP, Zcash, Rootstock, Bitcoin wallet and user interface. Jaxx has been designed to deliver a smooth Bitcoin and Ethereum experience. It is available on a variety of platforms and devices (Windows, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, OSX, Android mobile & tablet, iOS mobile & tablet) and connects with websites through Firefox and Chrome extensions. Jaxx allows in wallet conversion between Bitcoin, Ether and DAO tokens via Shapeshift and the import of Ethereum paper wallets. With an array of features and the continual integration of new currencies, Jaxx is an excellent choice for those who require a multi-currency wallet.

Good privacy & security, Multi-currency, wallet linking across multiple platforms, great user support, feature rich, user-friendly, free.

Code is not open source, can be slow to load.



Electrum is a fast, lightweight wallet for desktop and mobile users. It has a long list of supported features to make it the most flexible wallet today. It offers cold storage solutions, integration with hardware wallets (KeepKey, Nano Ledger S, Trezor) and able to achieve anonymity (with Tor). On the security side, Electrum enables multi-sig support, and it is not tied to a centralized server, so server downtime will not be an issue. Overall, Electrum is the established software wallet solution out there that warrants a try-out.


Coinbase is an online web-based wallet and is the beginner-friendly version of GDAX. As a hot wallet, you can easily transfer to the GDAX exchange instantly, and for free. In the same interface, you can make quick purchases with fiat (regular currency). The best part is that 100% of your crypto holdings on Coinbase is insured so if you get hacked you won't lose your money!

Also if you sign up with this link you get $10 bonus

You can activate 2-Step Verification and Google Authenticator for more protection, and Coinbase even has a vault available if you wish to trade convenience for an added layer of security.

Beginner friendly, hot wallet, secure can make purchases in fiat.

Not all currencies are available although the most popular included: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic and Litecoin


Advanced users searching for a Bitcoin mobile digital wallet, should look no further than mycelium. The Mycelium mobile wallet allows iPhone and Android users to send and receive bitcoins and keep complete control over bitcoins. No third party can freeze or lose your funds! With enterprise-level security superior to most other apps and features like cold storage and encrypted PDF backups, an integrated QR-code scanner, a local trading marketplace and secure chat amongst others, you can understand why Mycelium has long been regarded as one of the best wallets on the market.

Good privacy, advanced security, feature-rich, open source software, free

No web or desktop interface, hot wallet, not for beginners


Exodus is a relatively new and unknown digital wallet that is currently only available on the desktop. It enables the storage and trading of Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoins, Dogecoins and Dash through an incredibly easy to use, intuitive and beautiful interface. Exodus also offers a very simple guide to backup your wallet. One of the great things about Exodus is that it has a built-in shapeshift exchange that allows users to trade altcoins for bitcoins and vice versa without leaving the wallet.

Good privacy & security, beginner friendly, intuitive, easy to use, in-wallet trading, supports multiple currencies, open source software, free.

Hot wallet, no web interface or mobile app


Created by Bitpay, Copay is one of the best digital wallets on the market. If you’re looking for convenience, Copay is easily accessed through a user-friendly interface on desktop, mobile or online. One of the best things about Copay is that it’s a multi-signature wallet so friends or business partners can share funds. Overall, Copay has something for everyone. It’s simple enough for entry-level users but has plenty of additional geeky features that will impress more experienced players as well.

Good privacy & security, multisig transactions, multiple platforms & devices, multiple wallet storage, beginner friendly, open source software, free

Can be slow & unresponsive, limited user support


Armory is an open source Bitcoin desktop wallet perfect for experienced users that place emphasis on security. Some of Armory’s features include cold storage, multi-signature transactions, one-time printable backups, multiple wallets interface, GPU-resistant wallet encryption, key importing, key sweeping and more. Although Armory takes a little while to understand and use to it’s full potential, it’s a great option for more tech-savvy bitcoiners looking to keep their funds safe and secure.

Good privacy, great security features, multi-signature options, solid cold storage options, free.

Only accessible via the desktop client, not for beginners.


Green Address is a user-friendly Bitcoin wallet that’s an excellent choice for beginners. Green Address is accessible via desktop, online or mobile with apps available for Chrome, iOS, and Android. Features include multi-signature addresses & two-factor authentications for enhanced security, paper wallet backup, and instant transaction confirmation. A downside is that Green Address is required to approve all payments, so you do not have full control over your spending.

Solid security, multi-platform & device, multi-sig, beginner-friendly, open source software, free.

Hot wallet, average privacy, the third party must approve payments.


Blockchain is one of the most popular Bitcoin wallets. Accessing this wallet can be done from any browser or smartphone. provides two different additional layers. For the browser version, users can enable two-factor authentication, while mobile users can activate a pin code requirement every time the wallet application is opened. Although your wallet will be stored online and all transactions will need to go through the company’s servers, does not have access to your private keys. Overall, this is a well-established company that is trusted throughout the Bitcoin community and makes for a solid wallet to keep your currency.

Good security, easy to use web & mobile interface, well-known & trusted company, beginner friendly, free.

Hot wallet, weak privacy, third party trust required, has experienced outages.

An all-in-one package wallet does not exist.

It is important that you manage to find the wallet that addresses your greatest concern, be it security from theft, ease of transfer, convenience, monetary cost, or even style. A wallet may turn out to be your greatest investment decision, financial wise and emotional health wise.

Choose wisely.

Friday 5 October 2018


I am Coconut-Chanel

I have been blogging on Steemit for the past few months and, having had quite a success, I have decided to take the first step to professional blogging and start my very own website: Coconut-Chanel

A few months ago I was introduced to the Steemit platform by a friend.

For those of you who don't know what Steemit is, it is a blockchain powered social media platform that rewards you for creating and posting interesting and original content.

At the time, I knew nothing about cryptocurrency, decentralization or even what a blockchain was.

I was initially attracted to the idea of being paid for my content. I have been travelling around the world for years, having such an amazing life, jet-setting the globe, experiencing exciting new places and different cultures so I thought: "this is too good to be true..!" I can write about all my adventures, share them and get paid for it?

Yes absolutely it was true. My journey with Steemit, Dtube and Dlive has been an incredible evolution and I am now ready to take a step forward with my blog.

However, underneath this beautiful travelling rocknrolla, fashion-addict, foodie lies a total nerd, who has a thirst for knowledge and a desire to understand and master new topics. I wanted to, in fact, I had to know everything about the crypto world.

Cryptocurrencies have taken the world by storm. It's crazy to think that the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created just ten years ago and now there are over 1500 of them! Sometimes it seems like they've been here forever. And yet the world of crypto is somewhat mysterious and difficult to understand at first.

So it wasn't long before I started looking around for some online courses and looking at wallets, trading applications and other ways to invest in cryptocurrency.

After enrolling on a few different courses and doing various researches, it was information overload.. Many of the courses were expensive and they were over complicated and badly laid out and I ended up more confused than when I started.

One stood out in quality and ease of use above all the others it was comprehensive and engaging and explained very well. It's called Bitdegree

BitDegree is described as "the world's first blockchain based education platform with token scholarships & talent networking".

The goal of Bitdegree is to provide the best online courses with a blockchain reward system, basically students can learn interesting new skills and get rewarded for learning. So building quality, interactive, and engaging learning experience is essential if this platform wants to be successful. And you can actually earn while you learn!
A perfect synergy for the Steemit philosophy.

Currently, they have thousands of students signing up every day so I believe it will become a huge platform which will not only disrupt, but revolutionize, the education sector.

They have all sorts of technical and specialized courses which are almost non existent in Universities, where methods of teachings and curriculum are getting outdated forcing thousands of people worldwide to seek education through the Internet. I feel that this platform is the University of the future and we should take advantage of the free courses now whilst in their embryonic stage before they become expensive paid tuition.

Is Bitdegree the future alternative to conventional education?

I had to try for myself.

Through these courses and bite-size tutorials like "Cryptocurrency for Dummies" everything is broken down and explained comprehensively.

You don't need any prior knowledge of cryptocurrencies to understand this tutorial. In fact, this course is created for someone like me who is entirely new to this world.

You'll have the principles of cryptocurrency explained to you from the very basics. It's like learning your ABC. Your tutor will teach you what cryptocurrencies are, how they work, how they differ from traditional currencies, what created their value and what's the technology behind them, the blockchain technology.

It's important to understand the technology behind cryptocurrencies in order to fully understand what their advantages and disadvantages are.

This course will guide you through the fundamentals of Bitcoin BTC, Ethereum ETH, Ripple XRP and many more coins.

There's a even a whole lecture on Ethereum vs Bitcoin!
So, after you finish this cryptocurrency tutorial, you'll have a solid foundation on cryptocurrencies, their differences, and principles.

If you decide you would like to invest in one of the cryptocurrencies, you won't need to look further for a different tutorial to get you started. "Learn all the ways to get Bitcoin"

You want some Bitcoin action, but don’t exactly know what is Bitcoin and how does it work? If you'd like to find answers to those questions and learn how to get bitcoins, look no further! This course might be just what you are looking for.

With minimal time and effort, you will discover how to get bitcoins.

Investing in cryptocurrency is risky but can be highly rewarding. However, if you're not informed well enough, there's a very high chance you'll lose your money. This tutorial is here to help you make a sound decision and show you how to do it.

So, after you finish this tutorial, you'll have substantial knowledge on how to buy it.

I would suggest to start this course today and learn what cryptocurrency is and how Bitcoin works as well as how to invest.

The world of cryptocurrency is not as scary as it seems when you understand the principles behind it.

If you feel that you are then ready to invest you are ready for this course: "Investing in Bitcoin made easy", in which you will learn how cryptocurrency can be used as an investment. Investing in Bitcoin has grown exponentially during the past few years and, since recently the price has become relatively low, it would be a really good time to buy.

Many experts predict that Bitcoin will keep on growing in the future as people find more and more use cases for cryptocurrencies.

Your tutor will introduce you to one of the most popular and trustworthy cryptocurrency exchanges called Coinbase. He'll also explain how Escrow can make Bitcoin transactions safer and tell you about its alternative Bitrated.

Now, that you are interested in this cryptocurrency, you're probably wondering where you can spend it? There are a lot of places, where you can buy goods, as well as food and get special discounts for paying with bitcoin or Ethereum.

So what are you waiting for?

It is a limited time only offer and, if you decide to take things further with your education, BitDegree has a reward system in which you can EARN WHILE YOU LEARN, enroll in other courses in many other subjects and even pay with cryptocurrency.

These are some of the courses I enrolled in for FREE:

1) Cryptocurrency For Dummies Course: Ethereum vs Bitcoin
  • Differences between Coins and Tokens
  • What's the Difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin
  • How to Invest in Cryptocurrencies
2) Learn All The Ways How to Get Bitcoins
  • How to Purchase and Spend Bitcoins
  • What other Cryptocurrencies are there
  • How to open an account to invest in cryptocurrency
3) Investing in Bitcoin Made Easy
  • How to Invest in Bitcoin
  • How to Earn Bitcoin
  • How to Use Cryptocurrencies Every Day
  • How to Receive Discounts by Using Bitcoin
No previous knowledge is required for these courses because they will teach you everything you need to know, step-by-step.

Since digital currencies rocketed to sky levels and more recently precipitated, a lot of people including myself thought "Damn I've missed the bubble!"... Not true.. they are still accessible if you want to invest and make great returns, but in order to do so I needed to know everything about it.

Bitcoin price is relatively low at the moment and the market is anticipating a big spike so this is perhaps a really good time to buy, for those of you who like me missed the bitcoin train the first time.

Try the online free courses and let me know what you think!

Which one did you enjoy the most?

What else would you like to learn about cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies promise us a future in which we will be able to trade freely across borders and by removing third parties have full control over our money. My dream and vision is to continue to bring cryptocurrency to the masses in an easy to understand format. The more people that understand it the more people will use it. Its my way of giving back by educating people but also ensuring that cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology is here to stay.

So now is as good time as any to start learning about it. What are you waiting for? Be a driver of the revolution or at the very least be a passenger on the train.


Thank you for reading my blog, I would love to hear your comments and, if you like what you read, subscribe to my website so you can get updates on cryptocurrency and access to all these courses and many more for free.